Minds on Math

Our Mission
To provide engaging, high quality professional development and instructional coaching for teachers to improve student achievement and understanding of mathematics.
“I cannot teach anyone anything, I can only make them think.”
4 Steps to Math Recovery
Hello Mathineers!
How do we ‘test prep’ without ‘test prep’ for math specifically for our students who have historically lacked achievement success?
If you have implemented “First 15” and “Math in a Month” you know how to do this and have been seeing the benefits of the success of this instructional model.
If not, here is your chance to get the ‘cliff notes’ version of maximizing our classroom time to scale math learning and understanding in just a few weeks!
There are 4 Simple Steps to Math Recovery success in as little as 4 weeks and you can learn this process in 90 minutes with this comprehensive training.
Only $19
My Grade 3 students recently gave me one prompt that we spent 30 minutes on and uncovered 17 different standards in that 30 minutes–and not just Grade 3 standards–and the prompt was:
3 divided by 12
BOOM! That’s it!
We learned …
- commutative and non-commutative
- fraction
- bar model
- paper folding
- percent
- money
- time
- rational (and irrational because we began talking about the number 12 and the square root of 12 from the pizza problem!)
- factors
- solving equations
- decimals
and more…!!
We were able to compact so much mathematics into 30 minutes (with excitement!) because of the 4 Steps to Math Recovery process that YOU can learn in this 90 minute video training.
This training is for math teachers, intervention specialists, instructional coaches, principals and curriculum directors interested in scaling math learning for all students but specifically those strugglers.
Minds On Math presents a powerful math instruction seminar…
Math in a Month
Featuring Jonily Zupancic
Virtual Event for Grades K-9
Professional development designed for math teachers, coaches and intervention specialists for ONLY $97
Engage and stimulate mathematical thinking for 23 days! In just 20 minutes a day for one month – with minimal planning and easy to implement step-by-step math lessons, focused on 3 essential standards–target the entire curriculum for Grade K-9.
Learn how to…
- Teach more in less time by ‘Teaching 3’ power standards
- Gain growth mindset in 23 days
- Fill math gaps for struggling students with conceptual experiences
- Deliver instruction targeting how the brain retains information
- Improve Number Sense while teaching grade level content
- Create vertical math progressions in your school or district
- Maximize Depth of Knowledge with 6 tasks
- ‘Teach to the top” but “access for all” by focusing on THREE concepts and FIVE tasks, teach almost your entire curriculum from kindergarten standards through Algebra 1.
Takeaway these values!
1. A one-month math teacher guide for grades K-9 with prompts and questions to increase engagement and elevate achievement
2. Daily, 20-minute, high impact math experiences for 23 days
3. Access to the session recording to view again for 60 days
4. The complete slide deck for grab-and-go, easy classroom implementation
The ONE thing!!
We learned how to span ONE concept through the grades to increase math fact fluency and teach a variety of standards.
Making Rectangles is the ONE thing that can leverage math achievement.
The Saturday Session PART 1 replay link appears to the right or below, depending upon your device. But don’t miss the 3-hour PART 2 from this package above!
Learn how to extend Making Rectangles as well as how to use 4 additional high-leverage math tasks to teach almost ALL of your standards in 23 days (for just 20 minutes a day).
With your registration link you will get full access to the recording for 60 days with the slide deck teacher guide for grab-and-go, easy classroom implementation of these 23 math prompts to target most of your standards in 23 days.
Engage and stimulate mathematical thinking with accessible, differentiated lesson plans that fill math gaps, improve math fact fluency and target a variety of standards.
We don’t need 180 days to teach math. Let’s try 23 days!
Please share this page with your instructional leaders, coaches, intervention specialists and math teachers to register today for this event.
If we leverage the key math topics, we can teach almost ALL of our standards, preschool through high school, in ONE month.
Jonily Zupancic, “The Math Girl,” is an expert in mathematics assessment, instruction and intervention. She is a national speaker and has extensive experience working with students and teachers at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
Jonily has transformed mathematics teaching and learning with the development and implementation of Target Questions, Gap Fillers and Reference Tasks. Her work has inspired schools and teachers to evaluate and improve their instructional delivery systems to maximize student learning and achievement.
With simple, easy to implement strategies and techniques teachers can teach more in less time.
By using the Achievement Formula Framework as an instructional delivery method, teachers have transformed math instruction to accelerate math learning for students who are already successful, but especially for students who struggle with math learning.
Her new book, Making Mathineers, is available now!
J. Zupancic, Owner
Our Academics
Math professional development services and math instructional coaching.
Onsite and Virtual Professional Development
Full Day
Half Day
One or Two hour sessions
Instructional Coaching
Online Courses and Membership
Math Teacher Mastermind
Leadership Training
Essential Mathematics
The 8 key concepts for K-12
Power Standards
Complex made simple
Target Questions and
Gap Fillers
Identify student specific struggles in seconds
Implement simple strategies to reverse misconceptions
Reference Tasks
= One lesson for all student math needs
Mathematically accessible for all levels of learners
= Visual representations to target conceptual understanding
Embedded interventions and extensions
“Jonily presents ideas and strategies that I can use immediately in my classroom! Her approach to teaching and learning is unique and practical!”
“Jonily’s work with teachers on-site allows her to tailor teaching, learning and assessment strategies to meet the mathematical needs of our students.”
“Jonily’s passion for teaching and learning of mathematics is evident when working with teachers and students!”
“The model of math instruction that Jonily presents has given us the tools necessary to implement the Common Core State Standards.”
Get In Touch
Location: 572 E Broad St #344 Pataskala, Oh 43062